Jumat, 11 Maret 2011


 Hanya contoh..

Hello, My name is REZA, and ussually my friends call me EZA
I was born in London, at 33 February 1002
I live with my parents, a little brother, and sister.
My hobby is assasinating people. I ussually do it with my friends.
You can categorize me as a very happy person, i have a girlfriend named XXXX. she is really cute when she smiles. Enough talking about my gf now moved to my dialy life..
Yeah, i have a lot of friends. making friends is one of my hobby and i'm good at it. almost all girl i knew ask me whether i had a gf or not, and of course i said i'm already taken, bcos i didn't wan to betray my girl ahahaha.
i do like music, all kind of music except dangdut.. hhaha.
I often go to watch movies with my friends
thats all. hope u'll know me better

ooooppss.. ternyata banyak yg salah

Berikut ini ada salah satu contoh cara memperkenalkan diri dengan baik dan benar.
Good morning, let me introduce my self.
My name is (Faisal Wirayhuda : Isi dengan nama panjang anda sendiri).
I’m (15 years old : isi dengan umur anda).
I was born in (Jakarta : isi dengan kota tempat lahir anda), on (13 April April 1995 : isi dengan tanggal lahir anda).
I live at (Jambu Manis no.36 : isi dengan.alamat tempat tinggal anda secara lengkap).
I live with (my parents and my brother : anda tinggal bersama siapa).
My father is an (employee : isi dengan pekerjaan ayah anda).
My mother is a (housewife : isi dengan pekerjaan ibu anda).
My brother’s name was (Rian isi dengan nama saudara kandung anda). He was in (college : isi dengan pekerjaan saudara anda).
My Hobbies is (playing game and surfing internet : isi dengan hobi anda).
I want to be a (policeman : isi dengan cita-cita anda).
I practice hard to reach my ambition.

1 komentar:

  1. dafuggg gak jelas mati raes cog materi mulet blocokke wong asu dancog kakek ane rai segawon bongko ra est
